Monday, January 26, 2009

Matter of Honour and Pride

Today we celebrate the 60th year of India the nation come into being..!!
26th January 1950 after almost 3 years of the hardwork , dedication , and our constitution came into force.

The panel headed by Dr. B.R Ambedkar compiled the best possible constitution (a combination of various other constitutions) while writing they would have for sure be thinking how this 'piece of art' was going to shape up the course of their land, which they fought so hard to free,to make it into the next superpower in the world, to help it re-again it's long -lost glory to again make it a "sone ki chidiya".

HAVE THEY SUCCEED IN THEIR AMBITIONS??.... were they too over ambitious??

That's what my this post is all about (What's going on in our country, what's ailing us??)

today as i was watching the Australian Open , my brother came rushing into the TV room and said "i want to see the parade" i said "no use there's nothing new to see.. each year they show the same thing" and i can assure you that i wouldn't have been the only person saying that..!!

Why did it come to such a situation..i can't answer this question 'cos it's too big a question to be answered by people like me .. it's a question regarding the whole country !!
Why on some particular dates like 26/1 , 15/8 , 2/10 do we have to remind ourselves of who we are .. why do politicians only on these dates say about the various problems our country is facing :terrorism , poverty, unemployment , fights over religion , high drop out rates , the discrimination against women and so on..!!

In a country of 28 states, 7 union territories, 1618 languages, 640 castes, 6 ethnic groups, and 29 major festivals is it all acceptable .. NO..!!

The problem lies right at the centre

28 States 7 union territories each and everyone wants to carve out a different state for themselves recently we had 3 new sates formed.. now there's a demand for another new state 'Telengana' there are proposals to divide UP into further 3 states for 'administrative purposes'
the feeling of oneness which was so heart warming till the early 90's has just started going down..!!
In south India there's still a raging debate over why should hindi be our mother tongue and why not some other language .. is this what is expected of a country who wants to lead the world..(people still fight over the choice of the mother tongue).
We blame the politicians over this mess .. we say they are bad , corrupt , don't have the national interests at heart ..but answer my one question.. how many of us are willing to take the plunge ourselves..?? How many of us are willing to forgo a lucrative annual package to serve the nation..??

We still fight and yes fight over whether a particular NATIONAL party is too pro a specific religion and anti against the other ..what i dont understand is that when it's major opponent does something for the benefit of a particular religion its called duty in the favour of the must be kidding do you have any idea what's the % of these religions in india) and when the party in question does something for our religion its called a religion fanatic party..!!
Thats what i call BIASED opionion..!!

I am NOT here to support one side or the other i am just here to ponder and help you think what has happened to us
when we first think of 15th August what do we get as a reply:kite flying..great is it what our independence day has become synonymous with..!!

What we lack is pride ..pride in ourselves, pride in our rich heritage pride, in our culture and most of all pride in each other..!!
we still have a particular Mr.Bachhan slamming Slumdog for showing India's poor underbelly..??
what's wrong with him instead of howling on Danny Boyle he should take pride in how those people survive..It's just a matter of pride..
Why do we look to the west for recognition..why do we call 26/11 india's 9/11(according to american way of writing the dates).. why do we compare the satyam scam to a similar scam in the west(cant get the name), why do we so die for an oscar(do we really need recognition from the west for our movies)..??

Aren't all these things a sign of what i am saying..!!


  1. Really well written! :)
    Totally agree with the recognition part,
    hated 26/11 being compared to the 9/11...
    and yes we need to start taking pride in the ideals about our country...
    about the political party thing...ill clarify a few things soon.. :)

  2. thanx mini..
    glad u liked it ..!!
    n yes satyam scam is being compared to enron scam(just remembered the name)..
    waiting for the political party clarification..!!
